Manage Log Features

Our goal is to equip managers with the necessary service tools to efficiently and effectively document and track all service aspects of the operation. Our multiple features have been created with a simple, common themed layout that allows for easy access and searching for data/information.

Here are some of the current features we offer:


DashboardOur dashboard provides quick access to your most recent content and log information. Visuals are provided for each feature including graphs to display current training completion status and past due training sessions.

Employee Information

Employee InformationThe Employee section allows for adding, editing, and deleting of employee information. Additionally, managers can view, manage, and monitor employee training records.


TrainingWith our fully customizable training feature, you can create unlimited training categories to develop and store your employee training records. Additional features include the ability to select which employees should be scheduled for training. Paper sign-in sheets are also provided to get hard copies of employee signatures.

Projects / Work Orders

Projects / Work OrdersTired of digging through papers and organizers trying to determine when you last completed a project or work order. The service toolkit gives managers the ability to document/log and complete projects and work orders.


JournalThis feature includes the ability to list quick journal entries/notes about anything going on in your operation. Customizable categories allow journal entries to be sorted and organized for future review.

Safety Tracker

Safety TrackerRegardless of work environment, workplace safety is important to every organization. Our Safety Tracker allows managers to identify work-related safety issues by documenting the before and after state of the problem. Images of the problem can be included to provide an additional visual of the problem. Safety alerts are accessible for each problem to print and post to work communication boards.

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Offer expires on 10/12/2024

Customized Categories

The Manage Log Service Toolkit has been developed to adapt to your individual or group environment. All aspects of our system allows each account to create and maintain their own departments, managers, and feature related categories.

Customized Categories Customized Categories